Patrick Heffernan Memorial Scholarship

Brief Description

The Patrick Heffernan Memorial Scholarship by Athabasca University was established in honor of former university president Patrick Heffernan, who was a strong advocate for accessible and inclusive education. The scholarship seeks to continue his legacy by supporting students in their pursuit of higher education at Athabasca University.

Host Institution(s)

Athabasca University, Canada’s leading online and distance education university, is the primary host institution for the scholarship. It is renowned for its flexible and innovative programs, providing students with the opportunity to advance their education regardless of their location or schedule.

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Athabasca University

All Scholarships from Athabasca University.

Level/Field of Study

The scholarship is available for students pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in any field of study offered at Athabasca University.

Number of Awards

Each year, the scholarship awards four recipients with $2,000 each, totaling $8,000 in financial support to aid with their educational expenses.

Target Group

The scholarship is open to all Canadian citizens and permanent residents, as well as international students with a valid study permit. Applicants must have a strong academic record and demonstrate a financial need to be considered.

Scholarship Value/Inclusions

The Patrick Heffernan Memorial Scholarship provides a one-time award of $2,000 to each recipient, which can be used towards tuition fees, books, and other educational expenses. It also provides recipients with the opportunity to gain recognition and join a community of scholars at Athabasca University.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at Athabasca University.
  • Have received an acceptance letter for a program beginning in the upcoming academic year.
  • They must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
  • Be able to demonstrate their financial need through a completed Financial Aid Bursary application.

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Application Instructions

To apply for the scholarship, applicants must first enroll in a program at Athabasca University and complete the first course of their program. Then, they can complete the online scholarship application, including a personal statement, a brief explanation of their financial need, and two letters of recommendation.

Official Website

To learn more about the Patrick Heffernan Memorial Scholarship and to access the online application, visit the official scholarship website.

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