CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies)

Brief Description

Started in 1995, CEEPUS aims to promote cooperation and academic exchange among Central and Eastern Europe countries. Funded by the Austrian government, this program aims to strengthen relations between partner universities in the region and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and scientific research.

Host Institution(s)

CEEPUS offers exchange opportunities at over 200 partner universities, colleges, and academies in Austria, including renowned institutions like the University of Vienna, Graz University of Technology, and Vienna University of Economics and Business.

This is a scholarship by

The OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation

All Scholarships from The OeAD, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation.

Level/Field of Study

CEEPUS offers scholarships for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral studies in various fields, including Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering. The program also supports short term stays for mobility programs, internships, and summer schools.

Number of Awards

CEEPUS offers an impressive 600 mobility awards each year, making it one of the most accessible scholarship programs in Europe. The number of awards available at each university varies and is dependent on the number of available places funded by the Austrian government.

Target Group

CEEPUS is open to students from 15 Central and Eastern European countries, including Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Scholarship Value/Inclusions

CEEPUS scholarships cover all tuition fees at the host institution, as well as a monthly scholarship of €650 for Bachelor’s and €800 for Master’s and doctoral students. The program also offers a lump sum contribution towards travel costs and a health insurance allowance.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for CEEPUS,

  • Students must be currently enrolled at a university in one of the 15 participating countries.
  • They must also have a good academic standing and proficiency in the language of instruction at their chosen host institution.
  • Some specialized programs may have additional requirements, so it is vital to check the eligibility criteria of the chosen university.

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Application Instructions

The application process for CEEPUS varies slightly depending on the student’s home country and university. Generally, students need to be nominated by their home university and then directly apply to their chosen host institution. Detailed instructions and application deadlines can be found on the CEEPUS website.

Official Website

For more information about CEEPUS and to access the application portal, visit the official website.